An old Halloween standard where I come from… I was at this particular show, somewhere near the stage. You might even see me:
we close our eyes
we close our eyes and dream
and the world has turned around again
when everybody is running in the big race
and having a good time
who am I to cast a shadow
who am I?
I looked death in the face last night
I saw him in a mirror and he simply smiled
he told me not to worry
he told me just to take my time
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
and another year has come and gone
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
and if you come to me
and if you touch my hand
I might just slip away
I might just disappear
who am I?
and if you think I'm worth it
and if you think it's not too late
we might start falling
if we dont try too hard
we might start falling in love
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
and another year has come and gone
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
we're on the healing path
we're on a roller coaster ride that could never turn back
and if you love me
and if you really try to make the seconds count
then we can close our eyes
we close our eyes
and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes
and another year has come and gone
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
we close our eyes
and the world has turned around again
Any hints which one is you ?
playing the accordian ;)
This is worthwhile looking at, if nothing else for the pictures of walls of "good delivery" gold bars alone:
It comes from this FT article I found on Jesse's: Chink of light shed on New York Fed gold
"The world’s largest storer of gold, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has said it holds bullion from far fewer countries than it had previously reported, shedding a rare chink of light on the opaque activities of central banks in the gold market...
The NY Fed revised down the number of countries whose gold it stores by 40 per cent to 36, from a 2004 statement in which it said it held about 60 nations’ gold...
The revision is significant because the NY Fed’s historic vault, built on the bedrock of Manhattan island, is the world’s largest repository of bullion with holdings worth about $290bn, but very little is known about which countries store their gold there. Individual vaults have numbers so any visitors cannot tell which gold reserves belong to which central bank."
I saw Oingo Boingo several times at UCI back in the day... twas a long time ago! :)
I see you at 1:21!!!
(The hand with the gold ring?)
Thanks for the link, Desperado.
Very interesting document; not least of all that the NY Fed would open with a full page thus:
Indeed, there can be no other criterion,
no other standard than gold. Yes, gold,
which never changes, which can be shaped
into ingots, bars, coins, which has no
nationality and which is eternally and
universally accepted as the unalterable
fiduciary value par excellence.
Charles de Gaulle"
So while they didn't appreciate his actions, it seems they couldn't fault his logic.
I too doubt that America has parted with any of its gold in the last 30 years, but it has suited their purposes to have the world believe it has.
The neither confirm nor deny policy (can) cuts both ways.
Well how ironic, they quote the guy who busted their ponzi on a full page...
Are they mocking him, or paying him his due respect ?
Happy Halloween!
FOFOA and others have asked if gold could be purchased in units of 1g in Europe. Yes, easily. here is an example .
The concept of free purchase of gold is spread over here. In Germany the anonymous purchase limit is 15K Euro. There is no VAT on gold, and to my knowledge no capital tax on physical when sold under the limit.
As a side note, I see new gold shops popping up fast in the last few months. There are even gold ATMs (this has already been discussed in some comments in the past, but here one see the spreading in Europe).
This is what it's all about, folks. Not doomsday not states not laws not conspiracies nor institutions. They all fail. Love and beauty live on.
I really appreciate that you love music, FOFOA.
Thanks Desperado,
Found this brilliant sentence in the NY FED paper.
"in the 20th century, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, William McChesney Martin, praised gold as “a beautiful and noble metal.
What is barbarous,” Martin said, “is man’s enslavement to gold for monetary purposes.”
Seems in line with the Charlemagne speech of W. Duisenberg.
Démonetarysation = FREEGOLD
"This is what it's all about, folks. Not doomsday not states not laws not conspiracies nor institutions. They all fail. Love and beauty live on."
I agree!
However there a few posters here that just don't seem to get it.
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