Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
After the advertisement, the statement of the G-20 is meaningless for an economic recovery, but does contain a commitment to hyperinflation. Whatever is required in what amount required should be done. Even Geithner looked amazed. The G-20 statement is directed to the US Treasury and Fed that WILL via swaps provide what is needed, thereby extending the FUBAR.
You think Geitner’s facial expression betrays his knowledge of what is coming at his and the Fed’s hand? Of course he knows!
There is no difference between what is being done by the US Treasury and the Fed from what the IMF and World Bank lectured all the developing nations not to do because of the hyper-inflationary implications IMPLICIT therein.
The USA is headed for the financial condition of a Banana Republic and is already if the truth was to be known. All of this is delivered to you and I by the manufacturers and distributors of OTC derivatives now at the truthful notional value number of one quadrillion, one thousand, one hundred and forty four trillion US dollars. That is cement shoes on the Western Economy.
How about that look on Tim's face??
What do you think?



*** Dollar Crisis in the making ***
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/KC14Dj04.html DEEL1 'BEFORE THE STAMPEDE'
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/KC17Cb02.html DEEL 2 'THE NOT-SO-SAFE HEAVEN'
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China_Business/KC18Cb01.html DEEL 3 'CHINA INOCULATES ITSELF AGAINST DOLLAR COLLAPSE'
Or shall we call it the Big Catch-22 for the imperial $-system and its regime !?
Just ask yourself WHY the euro (and oil) starts rising again and if the projected freegold-concept has anything to do with it.?
For the time being the transition proceeds in clandistine.
Today we smiled at Nobelprice winner Krugman on a visit in Brussels. EU (EMU) is not doing enough to help averting the Global Crisis !? WHY is that so ?
This G-20 might be a premature one.
Next time they might turn the imperial $-dominator upside down with the freegold wealth reserve surprise.
Hi Anon,
It certainly does seem like the EMU has its own ideas, separate from those of the dollar faction (including the Pound Sterling). And these apparent differences seem compatible with Another's message of many years ago. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in all of the meetings of the different factions.
The new GEAB sounds very interesting along these lines. Unfortunately I do not have the full version, but I would like to read it. If anyone wants to email it to me, I will give you my address. ;)
Jim Sinclair's Notes on Special Drawing Rights
"SDRs exposed the fact that our financial leaders are now flailing in the breeze."
"If used for quantitative easing it would indicate the introduction of Zimbabwean style confetti money."
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